CQC Registration

Getting registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) can be a long and daunting process. A Case Management company tackling the registration process asked for our assistance following the attendance at one of our CQC webinars. We hand-held them through the process, completing their registration application documents along with additional policies and information gathering. Going that extra step, supporting them with email communication from the CQC in dealing with their queries. The Case Management company successfully received their certificate to confirm their CQC registration with the help of Virtual Administration’s support team.
Qunote filing and Time Management
It is not unusual for clients to feel overwhelmed and time poor. We often hear how they feel, declaring their lack of available hours in the day, particularly to keep on top of their admin tasks. One such task is Qunote filing of client emails.
Virtual Administration provides 1 to 2 hours per day to keep on top of the never-ending emails that are required to be copied onto Qunote, along with uploading reports and documents.
What does it do for our case managers? It gives back their time – 1 hour per day, 5 hours per week, 20 hours per month.
They can focus on their job while we worry about the tedious admin stuff.
Just think about what you could do with those extra 20 hours of time per month.

Getting Inspection Ready

We often have case managers who are concerned about the CQC application process and the huge task of getting inspection ready.
The Key Lines of Enquiry (often known as KLOE’s) is a fundamental part of the process.
Virtual Administration provides a special service to case managers, whereby using a simple spreadsheet of all the KLOE’s questions for the 5 topics: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well Led, we help answer all the questions and aid the collecting of evidence to match.
We go through a set of questions each week populating the spreadsheet with answers, providing examples and suggestions of how to evidence.
It is a big job that can feel massively overwhelming – we are here to make it easy and take away the pressure.