We recently sent out an email to a number of our independent therapy clients to find out:
- How they record their CPD activities
- How they digest information/research
There was a mix of manually recording activities and keeping paper copies in a folder, along with those who used an online version to record their training/seminars/clinical supervision sessions etc.
From the email responses, the reading of magazines/journals and the online research were the two preferred media, with the majority saying they found it tedious and time consuming to keep up to date, plus the cost of attending the training, workshops and seminars.
We had a look to see what was available in relation to different online recording CPD options, here’s what we found:
Occupational Therapists
Cost of £6.95 per month
CPDoL is the only online tool exclusively for Occupational Therapists. They provide industry specific templates and information on how to record a range of CPD activities that are relevant to your practice, such as reflective logs, case studies and course evaluations.
The British Psychological Society
Cost is included as part of your membership to the BPS.
As a member you can access their online system for recording your CPD activities.
The Royal Society of Speech and Language Therapists
Cost is included as part of your membership to the RCSLT.
The RCSLT has a good online portal for recording your CPD activities.
Chartered Society of Physiotherapists
Cost is included as part of your membership to the CSP.
The CSP has a good online eportfolio account for recording your CPD activities.
CPD-online – Suitable for all HCPC Registrants
12 months’ membership costs £9.99.
Great for recording your CPD activities:
- training courses
- online learning
- workshops or seminars
- clinical supervision
- reading industry journals/magazines/websites for research
- personal coaching or therapy
Patient Management System with an integrated CPD recording area.
Costs £16.00 per month.
It includes:
- Click Patient Management System – up to 250 client records
- Diary
- Finances
- Reports
- Letters
- Unlimited CPD plans
If you struggle with keeping your own CPD records up to date, let us know as we understand the importance of keeping a good CPD log and we can help save you time.
Give Tracey a call on 0844 884 9217 or email tracey@virtual-administration.com
Next time we’ll be reviewing the different online Patient Management Systems for independent practices.